Source code for versions.constraint

import re

from .version import Version
from .operators import Operator
from .errors import Error

# Regular expression used to parse version constraints
RE = re.compile("""
""", re.X)

[docs]class InvalidConstraintExpression(Error): """Raised when failing to parse a ``constraint_expression``. """ def __init__(self, constraint_expression): #: The bogus constraint expression. self.constraint_expression = constraint_expression message = 'Invalid constraint expression: %r' % constraint_expression super(InvalidConstraintExpression, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class Constraint(object): """A constraint on a package version. :param operator: The constraint operator. :type operator: :class:`.Operator` :param version: The constraint version. :type version: :class:`.Version` """ def __init__(self, operator, version): #: The constraint :class:`Operator`. self.operator = operator #: The constraint :class:`Version`. self.version = version def __str__(self): return str(self.operator) + str(self.version) def __repr__(self): return 'Constraint.parse(%r)' % str(self) def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.operator) ^ hash(self.version) def __add__(self, other): from .constraints import Constraints return Constraints([self]) + other
[docs] def match(self, version): """Match ``version`` with the constraint. :param version: Version to match against the constraint. :type version: :ref:`version expression <version-expressions>` or \ :class:`.Version` :rtype: ``True`` if ``version`` satisfies the constraint, \ ``False`` if it doesn't. """ if isinstance(version, str): version = Version.parse(version) return self.operator(version, self.version)
__contains__ = match @classmethod
[docs] def parse(cls, constraint_expression): """Parses a :ref:`constraint_expression <constraint-expressions>` \ and returns a :class:`Constraint` object. :param constraint_expression: A \ :ref:`constraint expression <constraint-expressions>` :type constraint_expression: str :raises: :exc:`InvalidConstraintExpression` when parsing fails. :rtype: :class:`Constraint` """ match = RE.match(constraint_expression) if match: operator_str, version_str = match.groups() operator = Operator.parse(operator_str) version = Version.parse(version_str) return cls(operator, version) else: raise InvalidConstraintExpression(constraint_expression)